- – Blue-collar Camps
- – Refugee Camps
- – Temporary Disaster Settlements
- – School Projects Showroom/Office Projects
- – Blood donation Centers
– Mass Housing Projects
– Hospital Projects
– Play Houses
– WC and Shower Modules
What is a Tiny House?
- While there is no official definition of a Tiny House, it is generally considered a small house, typically sized under 600 square feet (56 square meters). While they can be built on foundations, most tiny homes are built on trailers. This tiny house style is often referred to as a THOW (little house on wheels).
- They are small enough to be considered sheds in most areas, but are much more stylish and can be used for so much more
Tiny Houses on Wheels
- These small structures are built on wheels, allowing them to be easily moved to the perfect location. Our houses are designed to have a warm, open feel and range in size from about 100 to 260 square feet (9 to 24 m2)
Advantages of a Tiny House?
There are several advantages to building a tiny house on a trailer. The two most favorable are, mobility and getting around local rules that dictate minimum structure size. Since a house built on a trailer is not on a permanent foundation, it normally is not governed by local building codes. Many municipalities dictate a minimum home size which makes building a tiny house on a foundation not legally possible.
Disadvantages of a Tiny House?
- There are however disadvantages to building a house on a trailer. The main one is that it is confined to strict dimensions since it will be driven down the road.
- The maximum dimensions allowed, without obtaining a special permit are:
- 8 feet 6 inches wide (2.60 meters),
- 13 feet 6 inches tall (4.10 meters),
- and 40 feet long (12.10 meters).
- While this is the maximum, it is rare to see tiny houses longer than 32 feet (9.75 meters), since beyond that length they become much more difficult to transport.
- Financial Benefits of a Tiny House
The financial benefits of a tiny house are considerable. The most obvious savings are with the initial cost of the home. A tiny house can be built for less than the cost of most cars. And because they are built to the same quality of conventional homes, they can be expected to have a similar lifespan. Despite their lower cost, a properly built tiny house can provide housing for decades.
Thanks to Self Sufficient Energy and Water production you do not pay electricity and water bills.
Once a home is built, the savings don’t stop. Because of their smaller size, most of the utilities and all the maintenance costs are less as well.
While there is no savings to some bills like cable TV or internet, there are considerable saving to others, like electrical and gas.
Financial Benefits of a Tiny House?
Additional savings are had with reduced property taxes or rent. Since tiny houses are not permanent, they are not considered an improvement to land, and thus don’t add to the value of the land or the expense of the property taxes. If the land is rented and not owned, it is also considerably cheaper to rent a plot of land versus a house or apartment.
Financial Benefits of a Tiny House?
Finally, there are also financial benefits from the reduced consumption that results from living in a tiny house. Having less space results in less shopping and buying. There simply isn’t the room for frivolous purchases, and so a shift occurs where shopping loses its appeal. This actually has many benefits beyond economical.